er customers, and now she is asking her assistant alice whether the faxes have arrived. 安娜正在等客户的一份传真,现在她正在问助手爱丽丝传真收到没有。 anna: alice, have you put this morning's faxes on my desk? i'm waiting for some urgent faxes from our customers, and i'm pretty sure they came in last night. 安娜:爱丽丝,你已经把今天早上的传真放到我桌上了吗?我在等客户的紧急传真,我确定昨天晚上已经发过来了。 alice: all those came in last night are on your desk. you can have a look at them. 爱丽丝:昨天晚上传真过来的所有材料我都放在您桌上了。您可以看看有没有。 anna: just for a moment. yeah, i get there are four pages missing. what's it all about, alice? 安娜:等等。是的,我找到了。但是少了4页。这是怎么回事,爱丽丝? alice: i guess the fax machine was out of paper. i am sorry about that. i am going to call the customers and explain to them and ask them to send the faxes again. 爱丽丝:可能是传真机没纸了,我很抱歉。我会打电话给客户解释,请求他们再发一份过来。 anna: all right. be quick, please. it's very urgent. don't make any mistakes any more. 安娜:好吧。请快一点,事情很紧急。不要再出现问题了。 alice: i'll do it out of hand. i can assure you that you'll see the faxes in half an hour. 爱丽丝:我马上去办。我保证你半个小时后会看到客户的传真。 notes 1. pretty ['priti] adv. 相当,很;adj. 漂亮的,标致的 2. be out of 摆脱;在……之外;出于;缺乏 3. not…any more 不再 4. out of hand 无法控制;马上,立刻 5. assure [?'?u?] v. 使确信,使放心;确保 小贴士 1. i am expecting a fax from head office. 我正在等总部的一份传真。 2. these copies are too light, so i can't make out any of the words. 这些传真副本上的字颜色太浅了,我什么也看不出来。 3. some pages of the fax are missing. 这份传真少了几页。 4. we didn't receive the eighth page of your fax. 我没有收到你的传真的第八页。 5. how do i know if my fax is sent? 怎样才能知道传真已经发出去了? 6. fax is much more convenient and faster than ems. 传真比快递方便快捷多了。 7. i didn't receive your fax, and would you please send it again? 我没有收到你的传真,请你再传一次好吗? 8. the memory of the fax machine is full, and there is no paper to print. 传真机的内存已经满了,而且也没有打印纸了。 怎样处理信件 diam.Dd-NENG.COm