尤其是欧美国家的商人谈判时,如果有不同意见,最好坦白直率地提出来,而不要拐弯抹角。比如无法赞同对方的意见时,可以说:i don't think that's a good idea.(我并不认为那是个好主意。)或者frankly speaking, we can't agree with your proposal.(坦白地讲,我无法同意您的提案。)如果是拒绝,可以直接说:we can't accept. it's too high.(这个价格太高,我们不能接受。) 应对纠纷有妙招 dialogue maggie is busy with her work in the office. customer comes to voice a complaint about sending wrong products. and maggie is dealing with that for the customer. 麦琪正在办公室忙碌着,一个客户来投诉说发错货了。麦琪正在为客户处理这件事。 maggie: i have to apologize to you again. i promise it will never happen again. 麦琪:我再次向您道歉,我保证以后不会再出现类似情况了。 customer: i have never thought that you have sent me the wrong products! what am i supposed to do now? 客户:我从来没有想到你们把我的货全发错了。现在怎么办? maggie: i'm terribly sorry. the person in charge of your company's supplies is a green hand. we'll resend the products to you at once. 麦琪:真的很抱歉,负责给您供货的人刚来不久,我们会马上给您重新发货。 customer: i'm under pressure to make delivery to my clients with the terms of the contract. i am not going to tear up the contract. 客户:我还要赶着给我的客户按合同交货,我可不想违约。 maggie: here, i'll give you a higher discount on these products. besides, we'll compensate for all the losses caused by our mistake. how about that? 麦琪:这样吧,这批货我给您再优惠点儿。另外由于我们的失误给您造成的损失,我们会全部赔偿。您看行吗? customer: all right! since you are sincere,i'll say nothing more. thank you. 客户:好吧。既然你这么有诚意,我也不再说什么了。谢谢。 maggie: that's all right. we hope to provide you with good service for many years to come. 麦琪:不用谢。为了能建立长期的合作,我们希望给您提供满意的服务。 notes 1. green hand 新手,无经验的人 2. make delivery 交货 3. tear up 撕毁,撕破 4. compensate ['k?mpenseit] v. 补偿,赔偿;付报酬 小贴士 争议(dispute)是指交易一方认为对违反合同规定,或因对方不履约或不完全履约所引起的纠纷。争议的解决(settlement of disputes)是指双方当事人就争议所做出的处理。其方式可分:协商(negotiation)、协调(conciliation)、仲裁(arbitration)和诉讼(litigation)。常用的句型有: 1. i think all disputes betwem.dD-Neng.CoM