03 产品销售 展销会,你准备好了吗 dialogue joe is in charge of the preparation of the fair next thursday. 乔负责下周四将要举行的展销会的准备工作。 manager: joe, how is the preparation for the fair? 经理:乔,展销会准备得怎么样了? joe: i am concerned for the hall decoration. 乔:我对大厅内的装潢布置很担心。 manager: what's the matter? 经理:怎么了? joe: it should be completed by next wednesday and we have only six days left. 乔:装潢应该在下周三结束,我们只剩下六天的时间了。 manager: i think we must catch time. the opening ceremony will be held on next thursday. have all the visitors been notified? 经理:我想我们必须要抓紧时间了。开幕式定于下周四举行。通知所有客户了吗? joe: yes, i sent formal invitations to them half a month ago. i'm glad that our exhibition hall is on the first floor, so that more people can visit our display. 乔:是的。半个月前我就已经给他们发去正式请柬了。很高兴我们的展厅在一楼,这样会有更多的人能看到我们的展览。 manager: have you prepared the guidebook including the introduction and schedules of the fair? 经理:手册也准备好了吗,里面包括这次展销会的介绍和日程安排吗? joe: yes, i have. i also have prepared a fair memo. 乔:准备好了。我还准备了一份展销会备忘录。 manager: what about the transport of the exhibits? 经理:展览品的运输情况怎么样? joe: so far so good! they are all ready in the warehouse. 乔:目前一切顺利!展览品都已经在仓库里准备好了。 manager: great! i hope everything is in good order before the fair. 经理:很好。我希望展销会之前一切准备就绪。 notes 1. decoration [?dek?'rein] n. 装饰;装饰品;勋章 2. cherish ['t?eri?] v. 珍爱;抱有(希望等);抚育 3. guidebook ['gaidbuk] n. 旅行指南,参考手册 4. in good order 整齐;情况良好 小贴士 展销会上常用句型: 1. no one can match us as far as cost performance is concerned. 就性价比而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比。 2. the purpose of my coming here is to inquire about the possibilities to establish trade relations with your firm. 我此行的目的是想寻求与贵公司建立贸易关系的可能性。 3. i think our two parties can draw up a tentative plan first. 我认为我们双方可以先草拟一份临时方案。 4. i think you'll know our products better after this visit. 我觉得此次参观后您会对我们的产品有更深的了解。 5. all these articles are our best selling lines this year. 所有的这些产品都是我们今年的畅销货。 6. if you are interested in our produm.Dd-NenG.coM