to eat for dinner. 下班了,麦琪和卢卡斯正在商量晚上吃什么。 maggie: do you have any plans for dinner tonight? 麦琪:你打算好今天晚饭吃什么了吗? lucas: no, i was thinking of putting a frozen pizza in the oven. what about you? 卢卡斯:还没,我正在考虑弄个冷冻披萨放进烤箱里加热。你呢? maggie: maybe we can make dinner together tonight. what do you think? 麦琪:咱们今晚可以一起做饭。你觉得怎么样? lucas: i'm utterly ignorant of cooking! 卢卡斯:我对做饭一窍不通啊! maggie: i can teach you how to cook something healthy. frozen pizza is so bad for you! recently i have just learned how to cook steamed crabs. do you like it? 麦琪:我可以教你怎样做健康饮食。冷冻披萨对你没有一点好处! 我最近刚学会做清蒸蟹。你喜欢吃吗? lucas: of course. i like seafood. i can hardly believe that you can cook steamed crabs. do you have all the ingredients? 卢卡斯:当然,我喜欢吃海鲜。我简直不敢相信你竟然会做清蒸蟹。材料都有吗? maggie: i bought all the ingredients this morning. so let's start! 麦琪:我今天早上买的。咱们现在就开始吧。 lucas: what do we do first? 卢卡斯:第一步先干什么? maggie: first, we need to scrub the crabs with a brush. and then pour some water in the pan. when the water is boiling, follow ginger, basil, crabs. you can also sprinkle some ginger and basil on the crabs. 麦琪:首先需要用刷子将蟹洗净。然后在平底锅里倒些水。水开后放入姜、罗勒叶、大闸蟹,蟹上也可以撒一点姜和罗勒叶。 lucas: oh, that's not complex. 卢卡斯:哦,这样不是很复杂。 maggie: then use a cotton rope to tie the crabs' feet and steam them for 12 minutes. when crabs turn red, almost ready. very simple, right? 麦琪:然后用棉线把蟹腿绑起来,蒸12分钟。当蟹变红了,就差不多好了。很简单,对吧? lucas: yeah, it's much easier than i thought. 卢卡斯:是呀,比我想象得简单多了。 notes 1. oven ['?v?n] n. 烤箱,烤炉 2. utterly ['?t?li] adv. 完全,全然,绝对 3. steamed [sti:md] adj. 蒸熟的 4. ingredient [in'gri:di?nt] n. 成分;原料,配料;因素 5. scrub [skr?b] n. 用力擦洗;矮树;渺小之物;v. 用力擦洗 6. ginger ['d?ind] n. 姜,姜根;精力;姜黄色;v. 用姜调味 7. basil ['b?zil] n. 罗勒(芳香的草本植物) 8. sprinkle ['spri?kl] v. 洒,撒;下稀疏小雨;n. 少量散布的屑状物 小贴士 in terms of chinese food, it is popularly known that chinese cuisine is worldfamous for its perfect combination of “color, aromaM.DD-NEnG.Com