03 医疗保健 减肥不只是口号 dialogue susan is complaining in the ofi ce that sh bought a dress yesterday but she found it was hard to dress up. 苏珊在办公室抱怨她昨天刚买的裙子很难穿得上。 amy: you are heavier than you used to be,aren't you? 艾米:你比过去胖多了,不是吗? susan: yes, i know. i am getting fat. i want to lose weight but i just couldn't help eating much food. 苏珊:是的,我知道。我发胖了。我想要减肥,但是我就是忍不住想吃。 amy: what did you eat? 艾米:你都吃些什么? susan: junk food, like pizza, hamburger,and ice cream and so on, you know. 苏珊:你知道的,比如比萨、汉堡包、冰淇淋等,都是些垃圾食品。 amy: if you want to lose weight, the point is that you should resist your eating desire and keep doing exercise. and no junk food. 艾米:如果你想减肥,就要少吃多运动。还有不要再吃垃圾食物了。 susan: then what should i eat? 苏珊:那我该吃什么? amy: more vegetables and fruit. they are rich in vitamins. besides, you need to work out. what sports do you like? 艾米:多吃些蔬菜和水果,它们富含维生素。还有,你需要锻炼。你喜欢哪种运动? susan: i like to play tennis, but it's hard to find a partner here. 苏珊:我喜欢网球,但是在这儿很难找到球友。 amy: yes. few people play tennis here.actually, walking up and down the stairs would be also useful for losing weight. you may also go jogging every morning. 艾米:是啊,几乎没有人打网球。其实,爬楼梯对减肥是很有帮助的。你也可以每天早晨去慢跑。 susan: great! thank you for your advice. 苏珊:棒极了!谢谢你的建议。 amy: that's nothing. but remember that the most important is perseverance. 艾米:没什么。但要记住,最重要的是要坚持不懈。 notes 1. get fat 发胖 2. lose weight 减肥 3. junk food 垃圾食品 4. vitamin [?vit?min] n. 维生素 5. work out 锻炼;可以解决;做出,计算出 6. perseverance [?p?:si'vi?r?ns] n. 不屈不挠;毅力, 坚韧不拔 小贴士 best tips for dieting step 1: don't “go on a diet”; change your diet(不是节食,而是改变饮食习惯) step 2: avoid refined sugar(别吃精炼的糖) step 3: quick fix diets only work short-term(快速节食只能短期见效) step 4: don't eat if you're not hungry(不饿的时候不要吃东西) step 5: cut down on alcohol(少喝饮料) step 6: some fats are good(一定的脂肪是有益的) step 7: get moving — exercise is essential(坚持运动,锻炼必不可少) step 8: M.DD-NeNg.CoM