07 理财 “月光”一族 dialogue ellen often feels short of money though she has a nice salary. 尽管艾伦收入不菲,但她总是觉得缺钱。 nick: hey, ellen. it's time to get off work. we are going to have dinner together. do you want to come along? 尼克:嘿,艾伦,下班了。我们要去吃晚饭,你一起去吗? ellen: i'd like to, but i'm really skint this month. 艾伦:我很想去,但是我真的身无分文了。 nick: hmm? our salaries were paid only half a month ago. 尼克:嗯?我们的工资刚发半个月呀。 ellen: let's not talk about it. i'm a typical moonlight clan. after i got my salary, i had to pay the rent, eat out with my friends and go shopping. i didn't even realize that i had made away with my money. 艾伦:别提了。我是个典型的“月光族”。拿到工资后,我要付房租,和朋友吃饭,还要购物。我甚至都没有意识到钱竟然花光了。 nick: so you mean you often live from paycheck to paycheck? 尼克:你的意思是你经常把每个月的工资花个精光? ellen: yes. so i have to overdraw my credit card. 艾伦:是啊,因此我不得不透支信用卡。 nick: oh, ellen, i have to say that you must learn how to manage your money, or else you won't fill your stomach in the next days. 尼克:噢,艾伦,我不得不说你必须要学会理财了,否则剩下的日子你就要食不果腹了。 ellen: i know it. but i always consume in an impulsive way. 艾伦:我知道,但是我总是冲动消费。 notes 1. skint [skint] adj. 身无分文的,穷光蛋的 2. moonlight clan 月光族 3. make away with 携……而逃;除去,杀死;浪费掉;吃掉 4. paycheck ['peit?ek] n. 薪水支票,工资 5. overdraw ['?uv?'dr?:] v. 透支;夸大 6. impulsive [im'p?lsiv] adj. 冲动的,任性的;n.(引起冲动的)原因 小贴士 怎样才能不做“月光族”? 1. save little and often 存小钱,常存钱 2. read personal finance blogs 阅读个人理财博客 by reading about others' tips and success to adopt good financial habits. 通过阅读其他人的小技巧和成功经验学会理财。 3. keep a spending log and savings log 分别建立一个花钱日志和储蓄日志 4. save towards a specific goal 为自己设立一个具体目标 having a very clear goal in mind can make it much easier to save up. 一个非常明确的目标可以让你的省钱计划更加易行。 5. automate your savings 自动化你的储蓄 getM.dd-neNg.coM