s impact is what has made yellowstone world famous. yellowstone is the most extensive geothermal area on the earth. it has over 10 000 thermal wonders and more geysers than the rest of the world put together. old faithful is yellowstone's most well-known geyser. it shoots 5000 gallons of water, 150 feet into the air almost every hour. 黄石公园 在1807年冬天,一个设陷阱狩猎的猎人,孤身深入到洛杉矶山脉的心脏地带。在黄石河上游附近的某处,他发现了一个遗失的世界。一个奇境,受冰、火和硫磺所支配。一个极端的世界,考验着一切在此存活的生物。黄石公园的冬天,零下40度。每年当中有一半的时间,黄石公园都被冻得结结实实。然而在这个冰冻世界的中央,却有滚烫的热度。这是一个不寻常的地方,这里的冬天同样不寻常。在这里,每种生物的命运,都被一种几乎不可思议的力量所掌控。黄石公园位于北美洛杉矶山脉的深处,被高高起伏的山峦与世隔绝。正是它所处的位置,让它显得如此与众不同。在黄石公园的下方,隐藏着一种独特的地质形态,地质学上称之为岩浆。从地球的深处,几乎直通到冰冻的地表。没有人知道为什么刚好通到这里。然而正是岩浆的喷发作用,使黄石公园闻名于世。黄石公园有地球上分布最广的地热区域,这里有超过1万个地热景观。这里的地热喷泉数目超过世界其他所有地方的集合。“老忠实泉”是黄石公园地热喷泉中的明星,几乎每隔1小时,它就会往空中喷出5000加仑水,高达150英尺。 奇花异草让你大开眼界 dialogue maggie's company plans a spring outing to let employees relax. they are excited to go to luoyang to admire the beauty of peony flowers in the peony show. 麦琪的公司计划组织一次春游让员工放松一下。在洛阳花会期间他们很兴奋地去赏牡丹。 maggie: i'm so glad that we're going to peony park to admire peonies. 麦琪:要去牡丹公园赏牡丹我真是太高兴了。 sue: i'm so exciting that i wish only if i grow wings and fly there. the peony is the king of flowers. and luoyang is famous for its peony flowers. 苏:我也很兴奋,恨不得长翅膀飞过去。牡丹是百花之王,洛阳牡丹甲天下啊。 maggie: oh, here we are! 麦琪:噢,我们到了。 sue: wow! so beautiful! i finally get to see my yearning peonies. let's get in at once. it's said in the guidebook that peonies are big in flowers and rich in variety, and therefore are praised as the king of flowers. with its mild climate and moderate rain, luoyang is a suitable place for peonies to grow. 苏:喔,太漂亮了!我终于看到朝思暮想的牡丹了。赶快进去吧。旅游指南上介绍说牡丹花大并且品种繁多,因此被誉为“百花之王”。洛阳温度适宜、雨量适中,很适合牡丹生长。 maggie: you're well informed. look! this flower looks peculiar. 麦琪:你知道得真多。看!那朵花好奇特啊。 sue: oh, it's a rare breed called “erqiao”. there are two different colors in a flower. it is very beautiful, isn't it? 苏:哦,那是名贵的品种,叫“二乔”。一朵花有m.dd-neNg.com