a monster in the kanas lake has attracted many tourists to visit there every year. 喀纳斯湖的水怪传闻每年都吸引了很多游客去那里参观。 导游服务不可缺 dialogue jack is visiting the summer palace. he is listening to the guide of telling something about the summer palace. 杰克正在参观颐和园。他正在听导游讲解颐和园。 guide: the summer palace is one of the most famous imperial gardens. it suffered extensive damage for several times because of various wars. 导游:颐和园是中国最著名的皇家园林之一。由于战乱,遭到过好几次严重的破坏。 jack: it's a surprising thing that the summer palace is well-preserved. 杰克:颐和园能保存得这么完好,真令人惊叹。 guide: it was rebuilt one hundred years ago and has been repaired for many times. 导游:100多年以前曾经重建过一次,后来又进行过多次修缮,才有现在的面貌。 jack: is that hill in the distance in the range of the summer palace? 杰克:远处那座山也是颐和园的吗? guide: no, that hill is called yuquan hill and isn't a part of the summer palace. the only hill in the summer palace is wanshou hill. 导游:远处的那座山叫玉泉山,不在颐和园里边。颐和园里只有一座山,就是万寿山。 jack: what an ingenious layout! it completely incorporates its natural surroundings. excuse me, is there any souvenir shop here? i want to bring some presents back for my family. 杰克:设计太巧妙了,充分利用了周围的自然条件。打扰一下,请问这里有卖纪念品的商店吗?我想给家人带点礼物。 guide: there's a nice market over there full of goods. 导游:那边有个卖纪念品的市场,挺不错的。 jack: ok. thank you. 杰克:好的,谢谢。 guide: we'll move on to the next spot in 30 minutes. please come back quickly. 导游:我们会在30分钟后去下一个景点,请早点回来。 notes 1. imperial [im?pi?ri?l] adj. 帝国的,帝王的 2. extensive [iks?tensiv] adj. 广阔的,广泛的;大量的,大规模的 3. restoration [?restrein] n.(损坏的建筑物、艺术品等的)修复,整修;(遗失等物的)归还原主;回到原处或原状,恢复 4. ingenious [in?d?i:nj?s] adj. 灵巧的,巧妙的;善于创造发明的;设计独特的,制作精巧的 5. layout [?leiaut] n. 布局,安排;版面设计 6. incorporate [in?k?:p?reit] v. 包含,加上,吸收;把……合并,使并入;组成公司 7. souvenir [?su:v?ni?] n. 纪念品 小贴士 1. the summer palace颐和园 颐和园是中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的皇家园林,中国四大名园(另三座为承德避暑山庄、苏州拙政园、苏州留园)之一。坐落于于北京市海淀区,距北京城区15公里,占地约290公顷。是在昆明湖、万寿山的基础上建立起来,并参照以杭州西湖的风景,汲取江南园林的设计风格而建成的一座大型天然公园,被誉为皇家园林博物馆。 2. the yuquan hill 玉泉山 玉m.DD-neNG.CoM