04 销售服务 送货上门 dialogue andrew wants to buy a big and comfortable bed. 安德鲁想买一张舒服的大床。 seller: morning, sir. what can i do for you? there are different kinds of furniture here. 卖家:早上好,先生。我能为您效劳吗?我们这里有各种各样的家具。 andrew: where can i find a bed? 安德鲁:床在那个区域? seller: this way, please. you can choose whatever you like. 卖家:请这边走。您可以选择任何您喜欢的。 andrew: what's the price of this redwood bed? 安德鲁:这张红木床价格是多少? seller: 2500 yuan, sir. there's a free offer of bedding if you buy it. 卖家:2500元,先生。您买的话我们还会免费赠送床上用品。 andrew: and should i pay for the delivery? 安德鲁:我需要交运费吗? seller: no, sir. it's free for transportation. please sign your name, address and way of contact here. 卖家:不用,先生。运送是免费的。请在这里填上你的名字、地址和联系方式。 andrew: what's the time of the delivery? 安德鲁:什么时候到货? seller: it'll be saturday, sir, if it is convenient for you. 卖家:如果您方便的话,星期六到货,先生。 andrew: ok, may i have your phone number? 安德鲁:好吧。我可以知道你的电话吗? seller: sure. this is my business card. 卖家:当然,这是我的名片。 notes 1. furniture [?f?:nit] n. 家具 2. whatever [hw?t?ev?] pron. 任何(事物),每样(事物);无论什么,不管什么 3. redwood ['redwud] n. 红杉,红木 4. delivery [di?liv?ri] n. 交货,交付;配送,发送 5. transportation [?tr?nsp?:?tein] n. 运送,运输;运输工具 小贴士 1. we have the door-to-door delivery service for this computer desk. 这台电脑桌我们会为您提供送货上门服务。 2. there's no extra fee for the delivery. 运送过程不会收取额外的费用。 3. you needn't worry about anything else if you decide to buy it. 如果您决定要买的话其他的您就不用担心了。 4. i'm waiting for your delivery at home in the afternoon. 我下午在家等着你们送货。 5. please enter your detailed address here. 请在这里填写您的详细地址。 6. the goods will be delivered in two days. please keep your mobile phone powering on. 货物会在两日内运送过去。请保持你的手机处于开机状态。 维修服务 dialogue because of the misuse, sally's computer runs very slow and often crashes. 因为不合理使用,萨莉的电脑运行很慢,还经常死机。 sally: have you found the problem of my computer? i have just bought it here for one month. why does it run rather slow and often m.Dd-NEnG.COm